

Analyze Analyze scans the node and its IC for information. Multiple Analyzes may be required for hidden info. Sold in Microtronics in Renraku Arcology (price varies based on level)
Attack Attack is used to destroy ("crash") IC. Attack becomes necessary when masking fails. Sold in Microtronics in Renraku Arcology and the Crime Mall in the Puyallup Barrens (price varies based on level)
Deception Deception creates passcodes to fool Access and Gray IC. Deception has no affect on Barrier or Black IC. Sold in the Crime Mall in the Puyallup Barrens (price varies based on level)
Degrade Degrade attempts to lower a Node's Security Rating. Both the Node's and the IC's defenses become weakened. Level 3 for 5000 nuyen from Wilma Temmenhoff, Level 6 for 30000 nuyen from Kipp David
Medic Medic repairs damage taken by the Persona. Seriously damaged Personas repair at a slower rate. Sold in Microtronics in Renraku Arcology and the Crime Mall in the Puyallup Barrens (price varies based on level)
Mirrors Mirrors confounds IC and deckers, decreasing their attack accuracy. Mirrors degrades every 4 seconds. Sold in Microtronics in Renraku Arcology and the Crime Mall in the Puyallup Barrens (price varies based on level)
Rebound Rebound bounces attacks back at the attacker. Rebound weakens slowly with each interception. Level 3 for 5000 nuyen from Wilma Temmenhoff, Level 6 for 30000 nuyen from Kipp David
Relocate Relocate leads any Trace IC on a wild goose chase. If successful, the Trace ends immediately. Sold in the Crime Mall in the Puyallup Barrens (price varies based on level)
Shield Shield reduces damage from most attacks. Each hit it degrades. Shield is useless against Black IC. Sold in Microtronics in Renraku Arcology and the Crime Mall in the Puyallup Barrens (price varies based on level)
Sleaze Sleaze allows the Persona to bypass the node without affecting it in any manner. Sold in Microtronics in Renraku Arcology and the Crime Mall in the Puyallup Barrens (price varies based on level)
Slow Slow reduces the IC's reactions, delaying attacks and alerts. Slow does nothing against Trace IC. Sold in Microtronics in Renraku Arcology and the Crime Mall in the Puyallup Barrens (price varies based on level)
Smoke Smoke creates electronic chaos. All actions have added difficulty. Smoke degrades every 4 seconds. Sold in the Crime Mall in the Puyallup Barrens (price varies based on level)