Wyclif Parma Watling Deepdale Stow |
Keltwick Malaga Barrow Tadcaster Helwig |
Swaffham Excalabria Hastings Cartahena Thule Cave |
- Enter Blade's house in the northwest corner of the town to speak to your dying father. He will tell you that you are the son of the slain king and will give you 200 kims for equipment.
- Enter the weapon shop in the southwest corner of the town and use your money to buy a Bronze Sword and a shield.
- Speak to the man just outside the church to get a map of the area.
- After you've gained a couple levels, buy some Candles from the item shop and then head south from town to Peak Cave.
- At the first fork, turn left to find a map of the cave.
- In the northwest corner of the cave you'll find an old man who will give you the Ring of Wisdom.
- Leave the cave and return to Wyclif. Speak to the man behind the weapon shop to receive a map of the road to Parma.
- Follow the path north from Wyclif to reach the town of Parma.
- Speak to the king and he will agree to give you his ring if you bring back the Treasure of Troy from the Cave of Troy.
- Speak to the man by the fountain on the east side of the town to receive a map of the area to the west and to the man in the house by the entrance to receive a map of the area to the east.
- Explore the mountains to the west to raise your level and earn money for new equipment and then head east and enter the Cave of Troy.
- Grab the Treasure of Troy from the northeast corner of the second level and then leave the cave and return to Parma.
- Return to Parma and give the Treasure of Troy to the king. He will suggest you settle down in the down and will not take no for an answer. The guards will no longer allow you to leave the town.
- Return to the castle and speak to the king again. He will attack you revealing his true form.
- Once you have defeated the dragon, descend to the castle dungeon to meet the real king who will give you the Ring of Sky as a reward for saving him.
- Before leaving town, speak to the man in the house by the town entrance to receive a map to Watling.
- Go east from Parma and at the fork in the road just east of the Cave of Troy, turn left and you'll find the Gem Shield.
- Continue east to find the village of Watling where you'll notice that all the villagers are old. Speak to the man in the house in the northeast corner of town to learn what happened and to receive a map of the road to Verlin's Cave.
- Head north and enter Verlin's Cave.
- Near the northeast corner of the second level you'll find a man. Talk to him to learn that he is the one stealing the life from the people of Watling and will attack you.
- Once you have defeated the Cyclops, leave the cave and return to Watling where everyone has returned to normal. Speak to the man outside the church to receive a map of the next region.
- Go southwest from Watling to reach the city of Deepdale. Enter the castle and speak to the man by the throne to learn that the king isn't currently in.
- Leave the castle, reenter it, and then speak to the man in the room beside the throne room to learn that the king likes truffles which can be found in a nearby cave. He will give you a map for the road to the cave.
- Go west from Deepdale and then north to find Bremen's Cave. The Truffles are located on the second level.
- Return to Deepdale and speak to the man in the house by the entrance. He will ask you for the truffles, revealing that he is acutally the king and will give you his Ring of Wind.
- Speak to the man outside the church to receive a map of the road to Stow.
- A long ways to the east you will eventually find the town of Stow. Everyone seems very busy and the king is nowhere to be found.
- Head back west and enter the cave you passed on your way to Stow. Buy the Sanguios spell from her for 1000 kims.
- Return to Stow and speak to the king. When he notices the Sanguios spell you have he will accuse you of stealing it. He will take it from you and all your rings until you can prove you aren't the thief.
- Return to the girl in Sanguios Cave. Tell her that you don't believe her and you'll have to fight her in her true form.
- After you defeat the demon return to Stow to discover that the demon attacked the town. The king will tell you the demon took the rings and flew to Asti's Cave.
- Go west and then north from Stow to reach Asti's Cave.
- You'll find the demon on the second level. Kill it again to retrieve the four rings.
- Return to Stow and speak to the king. He will ask you bring back a doctor from Keltwick and will give you a map of the road to the town.
- Go northeast from Stow past Asti's Cave to find the town of Keltwick.
- Buy an Alarm Clock from the Item shop and then use it when standing in front of Doctor Basil on the second floor of the inn to wake him up. Speak to him and he will agree to go to Stow to help the people there.
- Return to Stow and speak to the king again who has recovered.
- Return to Keltwick to learn that Anselm's father Bearwulf went to Blazon's Cave and hasn't returned. Speak to the man behind the Inn to receive a map of the area to the west.
- Go west from Keltwick and enter Blazon's Cave. You'll meet Bearwulf in front of the stairs to the second level.
- Grab the Poison Shield from the southwest corner of the second level and then exit the cave and return to Keltwick.
- Speak to Bearwulf in his house and he'll give you the Key to the Cave to Malaga. Speak to the man just outside the house for a map of the area to the north.
- Enter the cave just north of Keltwick and use the Dungeon Key to unlock the gate inside.
- Pass through the cave and continue north to reach the city of Malaga.
- When you speak to the item shop owner you will have to buy one of his worthless items and he'll take your swords and all your money to pay for it. You may want to first spend your money on items and armor you can sell afterword to lesson the impact of his theft. This sacrifice will pay off later in the game.
- The princess in the castle will ask you to go to Harmony Cave to retrieve the Ring of Water from Bruno. She will give you a map of the road to the east.
- Go east from Malaga and enter Harmony Cave. Bruno will meet you on the first level and ask you to fetch the Crown from further in the cave.
- Go through the second level and then back up to the first and you'll find the Crown on the east side. Return to Bruno and he will give you the Ring of Water.
- Return to Malaga and speak to Thar and Luther in the castle. They will theaten you and then disappear. Speak to the man in the southeast part of the castle to receive a map to the next area.
- Go northeast from Malaga to reach the village of Barrow. The old man outside the Inn will tell you of a large fortune in a nearby cave and will give you a map of the road to the cave.
- Go west and then south to find the Cave of Burgandy. You'll find a total of 15,000 kims in chests in this cave as well as the Graphite Sword.
- Speak to the man in the northwest corner of Barrow to receive a map of the road to Tadcaster.
- Go to Tadcaster west of Barrow. You'll soon learn there that you have an evil imposter.
- Enter the castle and speak to the king. It turns out he gave his ring to the imposter.
- When you leave the castle, you'll find soldiers in the town. Defeat the soldiers and you'll prove to the townspeople that you're the true prince.
- Speak to the man beside the fortune teller's to get a map to Darmon's Cave.
- Go west and then north and enter Darmon's Cave.
- Pass through the first area of the cave to reach the second.
- Near the center of the bottom part of the second cave you'll meet your imposter. Defeat the Necromancer and then return to Tadcaster.
- Speak to the old man beside the weapon shop to receive a map of the road to Helwig.
- Travel west from Tadcaster to reach the town of Helwig. All the men there have been enslaved to work in a nearby mine.
- Speak to the woman behind the inn to receive a map of the road to Methuen's Cave.
- Enter Methuen's Cave west of Helwig. Descend to the second level and then take the stairs in the southeast to return to the first level. Here you'll find the miners who will thank you for rescuing them.
- Return to Helwig and speak to the man behind the magic shop to receive the Secret Key. The young woman behind the church will give you a map of the road to Swaffham.
- Speak to the old woman in the northeast corner of the village to receive the Old Woman's Sketch.
- Cast Aries to return to Keltwick and show the lonely old man behind the church the Old Woman's Sketch. He will give you the Old Man's Sketch. Speak to him again and he'll tell you that he buried a treasure by a tree to the north that you are free to have.
- Go northeast from Keltwick until you reach a dead end in the mountains where you'll find a chest at the foot of a lone tree. You'll find the Crimson Armor inside, though it probably isn't any stronger than the armor you already have.
- Return to Helwig and give the old woman the Old Man's Sketch. She will give the Dragon Shield in return.
- Take the road west through the mountains to reach the town of Swaffham. The king will only agree to give you his ring if you bring back to him the White Crystal from the Ivory Cave. He will give you the White Key.
- Go south from Swaffham and at the first intersection, turn left. Turn left at the next intersection to find an old man who will give you a map of the area.
- South from the old man you'll find the Ivory Cave. Use the White Key to open the gate. Kill the Dark Demon in the northwest corner of the cave and take the White Crystal from the chest.
- Return to Swaffham and give the White Crystal to the king. He will be hesitant to give you the ring and will ask you to bring him the Red Crystal from the Ruby Cave instead. He will give you the Key to the cave.
- Go west and then south to reach the Ruby Cave. Defeat the Blood Demon in the southeast part of the lower level to receive the Red Crystal.
- Give the Red Crystal to the king of Swaffham. Now he will ask you to get the Blue Crystal from the Sapphire Cave.
- The Sapphire Cave is west of Swaffham. You'll find the Gray Demon on the second level. Slay it and take the Blue Crystal.
- Bring this third crystal to the king of Swaffham and he will finally give you his ring.
- So south and then east from Swaffham. When you reach the first unmapped area, turn right at the fork and enter the cave.
- Pass through the cave and you'll return to the overworld. At the fork, turn right and at the end of the path you'll find an old man again who will give you a map of the area.
- You'll need to pass through two more caves before you finally reach the ruins of Excalabria.
- Speak to Knute in the northwest corner of the ruins. He will reveal that the Ring of Earth you received from the king of Swaffham is a fake.
- Cast Aries to return to Swaffham to find the town in ruins. Speak to the dying king to learn that the forces of Cartahena attacked the town and took the ring.
- Return to Excalabria and tell Knute the bad news. He will inform you that you that you must take the three remaining rings of good from Tsarkon.
- Go south from Excalabria and then a long way west to find the Secret Cave. The Secret Key you received from a miner in Helwig will open the locked gate here. On the east side of the cave you'll find the Death Sword.
- Go east from Excalabria and hug the trees on your left to find the old man again with a map. Continue west to reach the town of Hastings. Here you'll learn that you need a pass to enter Cartahena.
- Speak to the old man at the southeast corner fence post of the church and he'll suggest you revisit someone who stole from you since he has something you'll need.
- Teleport to Malaga and speak to the item shop owner who stole your sword earlier. He will explain his actions and give you the Sword of Vermilion, the most powerful sword in the game.
- Enter the house in the northwest corner of Hastings and speak to the woman inside who will poison you. This poison cannot be cured by the Toxios spell or by a priest.
- Go east from Hastings and enter Whisby Cave where you will find the Digot Plant on the upper floor. Use it immediately to cure the poison.
- Leave the cave and cast Aries to return to Barrow. From the southeast corner of the fence around the church, walk east into the forest to find a secret passage. Buy a Pass to Cartahena from the old man in the house on the other side of the passage for 50000 kims.
- Teleport to Excalabria and search the ground on the left side of the dead tree to find Titania's Mirror. This item will reveal the map of your current location.
- Return to Hastings and then go south into the mountains. Eventually you'll reach Cartahena. The guard will let you enter if you have the Pass to Cartahena.
- Enter the castle and speak to the man on the throne who'll change into the Gold Dragon and attack you.
- Once you have killed the dragon, speak to the man in the house in the southeast corner of town to receive the Thule Key.
- Go east from Cartahena to Thule Cave and use the Thule Key to unlock the gate at the entrance.
- Hug the wall on your right and descend the ladder to the second level. At the fork, the path to the right will lead down to the third level where you'll find the Mirror of Atlas. Use it to receive maps for every area of the game. Return to the fork and take the left path back down to the third level where you'll find the Secret Armor.
- Return to the first level and go to the southwest corner where you'll find Luther who has been transformed into a monster. Defeat the Red Cyclops and take the Gold Key which opens the nearby gate behind which you'll find the Ring of Power.
- Use the map of Thule Cave to reach the southeast part of the first level where you'll find Thar who has also been turned into a monster. Defeat the Red Demon and take the Silver Key he leaves behind. Use it to open the gate and take the Ring of Sun.
- Use the map again to find your way to the northern part of the first level where you'll find the woman who poisoned you in Hastings. Defeat the Red Dragon she turns into and take the Bronze Key she leaves behind. Unlock the nearby gate with the key and take the Ring of Earth.
- The path to Tsarkon begins in the northwest corner of the third floor. Along the way you'll need to use the Bronze Key, the Silver Key, and the Gold Key to unlock the gates you come across in that order. Behind the final gate on the first level, you'll finally meet Tsarkon himself.
- This is the most difficult battle of the game. To prevail you'll have to defeat Tsarkon in both his human form and his true form.
- After you have defeated Tsarkon, leave the cave and return to Carahena. Enter the castle where you'll find your mother. Approach the throne and use the Sixteen Rings to restore peace to the world.